"Measuring academic performance has always been a process from the start of school to the end. 135 applies the same logic to a process of reporting in that measurably supports player, parent and coach through the tennis development journey."
Nicholas Scott
135 Co-founder, Analyst and Coach
“135 has turned tennis analytics into a consultative process rather than a system that is difficult to apply. The value of information cannot be understated when teaching juniors how to play tennis. It’s why I’m using 135 as part of my coach and player education.”
Robert Davis
135 Partner, ATP Tour Coach & Mentor/Educator

2024 Tour & Becoming a 135 Partner Coach, Academy or College

135’s Founder and CEO, Nick Scott, will be touring the world in late 2024, stopping in Florida in November, 2024 (example promotion shown). For information on locations, times etc, and partnering with us using 135’s systems for your players, please get in touch using the Chat icon in the bottom left of this page or email

To find out more about becoming a 135 partner coach/academy or college, use the same Chat icon below.

135 is a revolutionary way of profiling a player’s matchplay performance at a point in time, then measuring their improvement every 3 months through a process of reporting and consulting through their coach

A 135 profile is how a player executes their game using three main metrics:

  • 135 or Serving Profile – the first 3 shots played by a server in a rally (shot 1, shot 3 and shot 5).
  • 246 or Returning Profile – the first 3 shots played by the returner in a rally (shot 2, shot 4 and shot 6)
  • 7+ or Long Rally Profile – usually by shot 7, the server’s advantage is over, after which player’s use their 7+ profile.

An aspiring player needs to develop all three profiles to be successful. 

Combine a process of profiling, benchmarking and measuring with 135’s cutting edge tech (135 Camera, 135 App and 135 Analyzer) plus education to support the process, and you have systems that greatly enhance player development through their coach at every stage.

135 Testimonials



  • 135 Camera and Mount*
  • Consult with 135
  • Progress video
  • Customized Reporting
  • 3 Matches analysed by 135's Team
  • 1 Match held for player analysis
  • 135 Training
  • Unlimited Use of 135 App
  • Unlimited Data uploads to 135 Analyzer


  • 135 Camera and Mount*
  • Consult with 135
  • Progress video
  • Customized Reporting
  • 2 Matches analysed by 135's Team
  • 1 Match held for player analysis
  • 135 Training
  • Unlimited Use of 135 App
  • Unlimited Data Uploads to 135 Analyzer


  • 135 Camera and Mount*
  • Consult with 135 Expert
  • Progress video
  • Automated Reporting
  • 1 Match analysed by 135's Team
  • 1 Match held for player analysis
  • 135 Training
  • Unlimited Use of 135 App
  • Unlimited Data Uploads to 135 Analyzer

All prices are in US dollars and are correct at 1st September, 2024.

* A 135 Camera is provided when a player is signed up to one year of 135’s GOLD or SILVER services. Cancellation or downgrading of these services to the BRONZE level at any time will result in a charge of $499. 

Following section is underlined for discussion:

BRONZE level players can purchase a 135 Camera for $499. Once you have purchased a BRONZE membership, you will receive an email within 24 hours to order your camera separately. If you choose to use your own camera, you will need to follow the guidelines which we will provide to you separately.

135 Cameras are not for individual sale.

135 Tennis Analytics takes player privacy very seriously. Our systems have two-factor authentication. All data and footage is stored on a secure server. We do not provide or sell player data or footage to any third party, for any purpose. 


What is a 135 Consult and who participates?

A consult is 135 talking through the results of match analysis with the player. Parents are encouraged to attend, particularly in the early stages. 

Your player’s coach will usually attend their first consult, but after that there’s no need as everything we discuss with the player is in the report and progress video.

Consults are not just about pointing out strengths and weaknesses. It’s about the main areas of improvement that a player will need to address in training to win more matches over time, and providing them with the confidence that they can!

What is a progress video?

A Progress Video is no longer than 5 minutes. Your 135 Analyst will run through a screen recording to which your player and their coach can refer at their next lesson and beyond.

What is customized reporting?

Customized reports contain snapshots of data generated by 135 Analysts to illustrate a player’s progress. Much like a school report, 135 reports contain notes about the different outcomes the player is trying to achieve based on their match play analysis.

Which matches should be uploaded?

Film everything, but don’t upload all matches.

As an example, Gold players should be uploading 2 wins and 2 losses as part of their quarterly reporting. 

There shouldn’t be any “blow-out” scores (either wins or losses) like 61 61. 3-set matches are not necessarily what you should be uploading either. Data from a 64 64 win or loss will tell us more about how players are going than a 76 67 76 win or loss.

The best matches to upload contain set scores of 62, 63, 64, 75 and 76. Wins and losses!



135 Camera

The 135 Camera and Mount have been designed specifically for tennis and ease of use.

135 Analyzer

The 135 Analyzer is where everything is stored including match footage, data and player reporting. It’s also where data and video footage is analysed

135 App

The 135 App is an integral part of everything we do and is how data recorded either from match footage or live at the court is uploaded to the 135 Analyzer, where it can be further filtered for analysis purposes.

Who is 135?

135 is a network of partners, academies and coaches around the world, supported by the systems and education developed by its co-founders.

Nicholas Scott

Nicholas Scott

Analyst, Educator and presenter

Nick is a tennis coach and parent of a former top junior player. He is a co-founder of 135 Tennis Analytics and the 135 Framework. Nick has worked with top 100 ATP and WTA players, college players and juniors of all levels as a coach and analyst, all using the 135 Framework to measure and develop player performance.

Aaron Robertson-Hodder

Aaron Robertson-Hodder

Software, systems & hardware development

Aaron is a co-founder of 135 Tennis Analytics, the director of all 135's software development, and also a former tennis parent. Apart from the development of all 135 software, Aaron is responsible for the ongoing development and integration of the 135 Camera.

Latest Content

We produce our own content at least once per week on subjects related to tennis analytics. We are also invited to speak by third party academies and federations. If made public, these videos will be displayed here.