Message from 135's Director & Co-Founder, Nicholas Scott

You’re a parent of a child who is showing potential as a tennis player. Perhaps most importantly, they love it, and want to make it as a college player, or even a pro. The one thing you don’t want to tell them is “you can’t”. 

I’ve been that parent. I’ve been the coach of many players just like your child. Tennis has become exceedingly good (in most cases) at teaching junior players how to hit balls, but playing tennis is so much more than hitting balls. Good coaches know this. 

The problem is, and always has been, how to  effectively measure your child’s play as they develop. Not their forehand swing or their service motion, but what they do when they play. Moreover, the effective measure of how they play must be reportable, easy to understand, and be an ongoing process. Numbers on a screen aren’t good enough for the vast majority, nor is cut-up footage.

That’s where 135 provides an edge to your child through their coach. By using 135 they, and you, will know where their tactical game is at regular intervals. Knowing what to practice is a very powerful tool. It’s why Tennis Canada use 135 for junior player development.